Today’s economic climate is seeing a significant upsurge with a growing amount of women entrepreneurs launching businesses across the country. There are 114% more women entrepreneurs than there were 20 years ago, according to the Fundera.
Currently, 40% of US businesses are women-owned and they generate $1.8 Trillion a year. These numbers signify a societal shift that women are leaving traditional jobs and are taking the future into their own hands. This paradigm shift is an exciting time for the oppressed to reimagine and recreate the world that they would like to see.
As evolution persist, the advancement of technology is giving us unprecedented access to knowledge, people, and information. Women have faced many years of mistreatment, neglect, disenfranchisement, and misrepresentation. Now more than ever, is the time for women to reclaim their power and to take that leap of faith, into entrepreneurship.
The three following entrepreneurs, created their own opportunities, that started as a vision, but then was followed by persistence and belief. Allow their wisdom gained through their journey, to help you finally decide to “get off the fence.”
Lissette Calderon, CEO of Neology Development Group, said, “Someone that has self-confidence and believes in themselves can achieve anything. Confidence comes from really knowing what you are doing and having deep knowledge and understanding. When someone speaks to you, you are the expert in that field.”
While you are drafting your vision, think big, be courageous, and follow your intuition. Disregard the critics on the sidelines. Bold and assertive women in the workplace tend to be labeled as “aggressive” or “difficult to work with.”
“You cannot control the way people perceive you. Do not apologize for being assertive, speaking up, and demanding a seat at the table. We do not always need to be liked but we must be respected,” adds Lissette.
Women have unique perspectives that the world needs to listen and take heed to. The world was not designed for one group or class of people to dominate and make all the decisions. Everything in nature works in harmony with one another. Every breathing organism on earth serves a purpose. We serve each other.
Along the way to designing and implementing your enterprise, you will be tested. Do not be discouraged and keep getting up. You are being prepared for what you asked for. Believe in yourself, believe in your Creator.
“Entrepreneurship is not a straight line to the top, there are highs and lows, setbacks, delays, and challenges. Do not ever be afraid to fail. There are lessons to be learned through failing. Take what you learned and build upon that, it is all a part of the process”, Lissette stated.
Mapping it out
One of the main pieces to entrepreneurship is securing the necessary funding to launch your business. Research shows, that women are “reluctant” to negotiate and ask for more money in comparison to men. Know your worth, know what you bring to the table.
“You have to understand your business. Know your numbers and if it makes sense to raise money. Fundraising is not a gift, it needs to be paid back. You have to understand how you will pay that money back,” said Dawn Dickson, Founder & CEO of PopCom.
After you set your intentions of what you want to accomplish and you have mapped out the steps to get there, the next obstacle that may be on your mind is timing. When do I leave my full-time job and take the plunge into my business full-time?
“There is no formula, there is no right or wrong answer. They should leave when it feels best for them, when they feel their business can be profitable enough to support them or that they have a path to profitability and their 9-5 job is a barrier,” adds Dawn.
After taking the plunge into realizing your goals, the demands of work, family, and personal life will continue to grow. The key thing to remember, is that you do not have to do it alone, build a team around you. Know your strengths and weaknesses and structure your team accordingly.
“I do not think there is a such thing as balance, but there is a such thing as prioritizing what is important for the day, week, month, or quarter. It is about what is most important and what needs your attention at the time. Sometimes it is work, sometimes it is family,” said Dawn.
You cannot be everywhere all of the time, that is why it is critical to assemble your crew. Replace the mindset of competition with collaboration. The universe is abundant and there are plenty of resources to go around for those that align with that energy.
“Partnerships have to work for all parties involved. Value has to be brought from both sides, it must be a win-win situation. Partnerships are not just a transaction, but a transaction of energy. Energy is super important, it is a spiritual connection that gets developed. You are not just looking to do one deal and be done, but rather, build long-term partnerships,” said, Tenaj Perry, CEO/Founder of Light to Life.
Now that you are equipped with the tools, stay true to yourself on your mission. Ignore what people think and go for what you believe in! Study the “great ones” before you and let their stories inspire you. Entrepreneurship gives you control of your destiny and your time. Architect the life that you desire and enjoy the journey.